Monday, June 23, 2014

The Gift of Peace


John 14:27

27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

 What does peace look like in a storm? I remember driving up I 29 towards South Dakota, the skies were clear one minute than black as night the next. It was like someone was pouring buckets of water on my windshield. Then it stopped....... I thought I died. I did not have peace in this storm, I was blindsided. All I could do was hold on and ask God to please help me. He did, the storm passed over.
Not all storms are this obvious and sudden. Some storms are more covert, one thing after another goes wrong until we're swept up in a whirlwind. Not all storms come and go rapidly. Sometimes storms take awhile to build up and take even longer to pass over. I believe God in His great love for us has equipped us to weather every storm.
As I walked through a recent storm a dear Sister stopped by to bring food for our family. Before she left she prayed with me and left the gift of peace. The gift of peace calmed the storm and settled my heart. As I put things into perspective and trusted God each situation worked out for our good. Praise God. I took my eyes off the storm and put my eyes on Jesus the Prince of Peace.
This reminds me of Mark 4:35-41 in the Bible, when the disciples woke Jesus because they were afraid of the storm. Why were they so afraid when He was with them? Because they were watching the storm.
Jesus tells us in John14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” He knows that our lives will have storms. The good news it that we do not have to let them trouble our hearts or make us afraid. We have the gift of peace. That is exciting. Jesus gave us a gift that we can give others.
My dear friend we can go through every storm in our lives in peace. When we walk with Jesus, peace is always with us.
If you experiencing a storm in your life today, accept the gift of peace to weather any storm, JESUS.


  1. Replies
    1. Andy Lee,
      Bless you Sweet Sister. Amen.
      Be blessed.

  2. Great word Venus! A great reminder that God has indeed equipped us to weather life's storms. I sometimes forget this, especially in the middle of one! :) -Beth

  3. Amen Beth,
    Thank you for sharing, God is always good. Be blessed.
